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SC&RA Recognizes Outstanding Safety Records with Annual Awards

SC&RA honored a number of companies and individuals with awards for superior safety records during the 2015 Annual Conference, April 14-18, at the La Costa Resort & Conference Center, Carlsbad, Calif.


Seven SC&RA member companies received a Fleet Safety Award for having the lowest accident frequency rate in different mileage categories:

  • 1.5 Million to 5 Million Miles – Superior Transportation, Inc., Charleston, S.C.

Six SC&RA member companies earned a Fleet Safety Improvement Award by showing a reduction in their AFR for miles traveled, compared to their previous year accident frequency rate :

  • Superior Transportation, Inc., Charleston, S.C.

Four professional drivers from three companies in the specialized carrier industry received a Million Miler Award for Safety Excellence:

  • Superior Transportation, Inc., Charleston, S.C. – John Murray

Eleven drivers from five companies in the specialized carrier industry received a Driver Safety Award for accumulating five years of accident-free driving:

  • Superior Transportation, Inc., Charleston, S.C. – Robert Leland

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